Answering Your Questions about the Diploma

Answering Your Questions about the Diploma

THink Aesthetics
Do you want a Diploma but don't know how to get one?
Maybe you want more information before you take the plunge!
We're here to answer all your questions!

A bit of how & when the Diploma came to be...

The new Diploma of Cosmetic Tattooing was released at the end of December 2021. The previous qualification SHBBSKS003 Design & Provide Cosmetic Tattooing, was cancelled with no notice.

At THink Aesthetics we have been working hard to prepare the full diploma, and the best way to deliver this much more comprehensive training program.

We have already launched the first of the core units, on skin & hair, but what does the rest of the journey look like? Read on.

Now, onto the questions...

I already did Design & Provide, what does this mean for me?

Well, you’re off to a good start! This will help a lot with the practical training, particularly if you have good experience. We can map across your knowledge and experience and work out what else you need to do to satisfy all the diploma requirements. This process is called Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). At a minimum, you will still have to do most of the core theory units, which are much more detailed than previous training.

I'm an experienced technician, what do I need for RPL?

As for the practical work component, you will need a lot of evidence of your skills through before and after pictures. Videos are also really helpful. As a part of the Diploma you will be able to have a maximum of 3 cosmetic tattoo specialisations (e.g. brows, lips and eyeliner), so make sure you will have sufficient evidence of the treatments you are looking to gain recognition for.

In terms of theoretical knowledge, non-accredited training does not normally have a structure that maps to the RTO course requirements. Any evidence of past structured training, including theory can be very helpful. Where there are 'gaps' in your knowledge evidence, further study and completing theory tests can be done.

I'm a beginner, what do I need to do to get the Diploma?

The Diploma of Cosmetic Tattooing is the most comprehensive cosmetic tattoo qualification in Australia (if not the whole world!). The full diploma is designed to take you from essential theory through to advanced training. It is specifically designed to create well informed, competent technicians, which makes it perfect for those starting Cosmetic Tattooing. 

How much will my Diploma cost?

As you can see already, there are a number of pathways. You also have decisions to make about which techniques you want to qualify in, selecting from eyebrows, lips, eyeliner, scalp micropigmentation and 3D nipple areola. The practical training is the more costly part of the training, because it is typically one-on-one with your trainer on live models.

Core Units

The approximate total cost of the four compulsory core units is $2,500. There will be some cost savings with RPL credits.

Infection Control Unit

A practicing Cosmetic Tattoo artist should have a qualifying Infection Control certificate (either SHBBINF002 or HLTINF005). If you do not have one of the required infection control qualifications, that’s an additional ~ $425.

Cosmetic Tattoo Unit/s

This is where the cost can vary quite significantly.

For each practical unit, each day of one-on-one training is $1,650. If you are a beginner then each technique will require three days. An experienced technician doing RPL may only need one day.

Doing multiple techniques will increase costs, but may be better than doing additional business units due to being able to offer more services, etc. if thats the pathway you choose to go down.

Business Unit/s

The lowest cost way complete the diploma will be to do more business or social media units than practical training. This is ideal if, for instance, you only want to do eyebrows. The business/social media units will be about $400 each.

The inclusion of business units into the Diploma of Cosmetic Tattooing is quite beneficial, particularly to those who may be managing a social media page for their work and/or running their own business.

Total Cost

It's hard to put a definitive price on the Diploma of Cosmetic Tattooing as each person will be different. We do understand that this is by far one of this biggest questions people have, so we have put together an rough pricing guide...

We estimate the lowest cost for a qualified and experienced technician with a lot of RPL credit will be around $6,000. For a beginner wanting to start their career doing brows with the full diploma, the cost will be approximately $11,000.


To get an estimate of the costs for your own personalised diploma, contact us at THink Aesthetics and start the conversation today!

If you wish to speak to someone about the Diploma of Cosmetic Tattooing, please contact us via email or give us a call on (07)33000465.

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